Outplacement & Career Transition Services: Why Are They Valuable?

It’s no secret the pandemic has had an impact on the world of work. As businesses begin to adapt to the post-pandemic economy, many are looking to make changes to ensure that the skills of their employees are used as effectively as possible. This new business shift is starting to lead to a rise in unemployment and laid-off workers.  

Employers will continue to review the skills and essential roles they need in their organizations. Now more than ever, outplacement programs are playing a significant part in helping businesses and employees transition into this new world of work.  

If you’re facing layoffs right now for the betterment of your company, it’s important to know that your culture, reputation, and your brand, are in a very critical state. The way you treat your employees in this trying time will have a strong impact on your business, both now and in the future. It’s no longer enough to simply call someone into your (virtual) office and let them go – employees deserve a great exit plan.  

Here’s why companies should invest in outplacement services: 

  1. Protection for your company brand in the marketplace. A company’s reputation goes with the employee for life. What will they say about the way they were treated? 
  2. Increased engagement. When the remaining employees see that a company cares for its people they perform better. 
  3. Reduced unemployment costs. 
  4. Reduced risk of lawsuits. 

To uphold the value of your brand, it’s important to go above and beyond in how you care for individuals connected to your company. This includes individuals who work for you, those who might work for you in the future, and those who offered you their skills, dedication, and loyalty before you had to let them go.  

Outplacement services are an important and invaluable investment in the well-being of your company. By demonstrating how much you respect your employees, your company will in turn gain greater respect from your staff and the business community. For the sake of your reputation, relationships, and company’s future, invest in outplacement services and make a difficult transition easier for your former employees. 

Since 2003 we’ve worked with numerous organizations to transition their displaced employees. If you have additional questions about our outplacement and career transition services, please reach out to us today and get connected with one of our career transition experts.